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Results Workshop is Szeged

The CIRENE project Results Workshop and final Project Meeting will be held on 25 June 2013 in the University of Szeged Congress Center.


Closing event and Results workshop in Novi Sad

The CIRENE project Results Workshop, Closing Event and Press Conference will be held on 14 June 2013 in the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Grand Hall.


5th project meeting

On 17 April 2013 we held the 5th project meeting in Novi Sad. As the technical part of the project ends by 30 April, the main topic was the form the results will be presented and published. We discussed the remaining technical tasks until the closing of the development work. We also discussed the events of the last period. The Novi Sad workshop and the closing event is planned to be held on 14 June, while the Szeged workshop and project meeting is on 25 June.


4th project meeting

On 5 December 2012 we held the 4th project meeting in Szeged. The most interesting part of the meeting was the demonstration of the prototype of the coverage measurement. SZTE-DSE presented coverage measurement on an Android mobile phone with LAN connection and a simple calculator application. We were able to monitor what methods of the application are executed. As UNS-FTN brought a target device to us, we set up coverage measurement on the device too, and we were happy to see that it worked. We had encountered some bugs, but basically it worked.


3rd project meeting

On 4 October 2012 we held the 3rd project meeting in Novi Sad. It was originally planned in August, but due to tasks of starting the semester in both universities, we decided to delay it.


4th work package documents finished

By the end of the second reporting period (August 31), we finished the definition the general embedded system testing methodology and the hardware software analysis methodology.


Embedded systems testing survey almost finished

We have almost finished the survey on embedded system testing. We investigated more hundred papers, and evaluated and included more than 50 in details in the survey. Unfortunately, we must recognize that such a paper is never finished, it is only not extended any more at some point due to some reasons like the lack of time and resources.


Survey of needs finished

VOICT collected the answers for the survey of needs that aimed the gathering of information what industrial partners would expect from an embedded device testing methodology/system.


2nd project meeting and final workshop

On 27 April 2012 we held the second project meeting and the final (4th) workshop of the project in Szeged. The two events were not separated in time. We discussed administrative issues of closing the first period, and based on the previous and this last workshop, we draw a high level structure of the methodology and its pilot implementation.


Opening event

The CIRENE project Opening Event and Press Conference will be held on 24 February 2012 in the University of Szeged Congress Centre.

We will provide an interesting programme which will offer both a high level overview of project objectives and a technical introduction to the CIRENE project. Parallel with the technical blocks, a press conference will be held where the key representatives of the CIRENE project will answer the questions of the press.



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