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Drugi projektni sastanak i završna radionica

Održan je drugi projektni sastanak i završna (četvrta) radionica u Segedinu 27-og aprila 2012. Ova dva događaja su bila održana jedan za drugim. Raspravljali smo o administrativnim problemima oko zatvaranja prvog perioda, a na osnovu prethodne radionice smo utemeljili strukturu metodologije i probnu verziju njene implementacije. The base concept is that we combine black-box and white-box testing methods, more precisely, measure coverage on the device, process this information and perform different tasks (test selection, new test case generation, etc) to improve the black-box testing. The target device of the pilot implementation has also been selected: it is an Android-based Set-Top-Box device, and we focus on testing the android applications executed on this device.

As it was the final workshop we shortly summarized the information content exchanged between SZTE-DSE and UNS-FTN during the workshops: embedded systems in general, Digital TV/Set Top Box devices, black-box tesing of STB devices, Android devices, Android architecture and features, UNS-FTN self-made tools for black-box testing, general concepts and terms of testing, general black-box and white-box techniques, test selection and prioritization, program instrumentation, traceability, USZ-DSE self-made tools for coverage measurement and test selection.


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